DIY Multipurpose Oscilloscope Using the Pico DIY Open-Source Oscilloscope Using a Raspberry Pi Pico and Scoppy

A developer has built an open-source multifunctional oscilloscope by repurposing an old Android phone, a Raspberry Pi…

Vector display using Laser Light High-Speed Vector Display Using a Galvo Mirror

A developer has built a laser galvo-based vector display featuring a custom signal conditioning and thermal management…

Multi-Directional Rolling Cube DIY Multi-Directional Rolling Cube Robot with Self-Righting Design

Robots come in many forms, but some can move in all directions just by adjusting their shape. Joshua Stanley, a creator on YouTube, has previously…

Bluetooth DIY Earbud Bluetooth DIY Earbud Inside a Pistachio Shell

Ever thought of turning a pistachio into a working AirPod? Well, a creative Penguin DIY just fixed earbuds into pistachio shell, by dismantling…

High-Efficiency Power Distribution Using Ideal Diodes Hybrid Power Management System with Ideal Diode Technology

A YouTuber has developed a combat suit featuring a spinal battery system designed for improved power efficiency and…

DIY Autonomous Submarine This DIY Submarine Explores The Ocean on Its Own

A team of DIY engineers is working on building a fully autonomous submarine. They are different from the previous…

DIY Fully Automated Piano-Playing Robot DIY Automated Piano That Plays Music Like a Pro

Imagine a piano that plays itself- not just some basic tunes, but musical performances from any MIDI file. That’s exactly what a creative maker…

DIY Heavy-Lift Drone DIY Heavy-Lift Drone That Can Carry Over 100kg

A YouTuber has built a massive drone capable of lifting over 100 kg using four large electric motors. The drone is…

DIY High Speed FPV Plane DIY High-Speed FPV Plane Inspired by Aviation Legends

A YouTuber has shared a tutorial on building an FPV (First-Person View) aircraft designed for high-speed flights…

DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 DIY Telescope Powered by ESP32 with Smooth Dual-Axis Control

Telescopes are essential for astronomers, allowing them to observe stars and planets with clarity. While commercial…