A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners A 3D-Printed Launcher That Shoots Around Corners

In a recent project released the thisismax Youtube channel explores how the Magnus effect can be used to steer projectiles in the air using a…

Swerve Drive Robot Swerve Drive Robot - Versatile Multi-Mode Navigation

A freelance robotics engineer has shared his recent work on Reddit—a Swerve Drive Robot designed for autonomous…

PCB Motor A DIY PCB Motor That Spins at 37000 RPM

Carl Bugeja, a maker well-known in the DIY community for pushing the boundaries of PCB-based motors, has released his new PCB motor design, which…

high-performance power tool STMicroelectronics and Wurth Elektronik Cooperate for a High-Performance Power Tool

Wurth Elektronik and STMicroelectronics have collaborated on the development of a…

Types of Motors used in Electric Vehicles Types of Motors used in Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are not something new to this world, but with the technological advancement and increased concern on…

Brushed vs Brushless Motors: Operation, Construction and Applications Brushed vs Brushless Motors: Operation, Construction and Applications

Electric motors have become a huge part of our lives. They are found in all sort of devices from electric cars to drones,…

Fundamentals of Motors – Theory and Laws to Design a Motor Fundamentals of Motors – Theory and Laws to Design a Motor

Ever wondered how does a motor spin? What are the fundamentals involved? How is it controlled? The DC brushed motors have been…

An Engineer's Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EVs) An Engineer's Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EVs)

According to a forecast by International Energy Agency, the use of Electric Vehicles will grow from 3 million to 125 million by…

What is Brushless DC motor (BLDC) and How to Control it with Arduino What is Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) and How to Control it with Arduino

Building stuff and getting them work, the way we want, has always been sheer fun. While that being agreed, building stuff that…