arduino uno

Arduino NRF24L01 Tutorial to Control Servo Motor Interfacing nRF24L01 with Arduino: Controlling Servo Motor

While Internet of things (IoT), Industry 4.0, Machine to Machine communication etc are getting increasingly popular the need…

IoT based Patient Monitoring System using ESP8266 and Arduino IoT Based Patient Health Monitoring System using ESP8266 and Arduino

Health monitoring is the major problem in today’s world. Due to lack of proper health monitoring, patient suffer from serious…

Arduino Based Guitar Tuner Arduino Based Guitar Tuner

Hi guys, during the last few weeks, I’ve been working on reconnecting with my love for the guitar. Playing the box guitar was…

Arduino Based Analog Speedometer Using IR Sensor Analog Speedometer Using Arduino and IR Sensor

Measuring the speed/rpm of a Vehicle or a motor has always been a fascinating project to try. In this project, we are going to…

DIY Self Balancing Robot using Arduino DIY Self Balancing Robot using Arduino

After being inspired by RYNO motors and other self balancing scooters from Segway, I always wanted to build something my own…

Arduino Based Real-Time Oscilloscope Arduino Based Real-Time Oscilloscope

The Oscilloscope is one of the most important tools you will find on the workbench of any electronics engineer or maker. It is…

Automatic Water Dispenser using Arduino Automatic Water Dispenser using Arduino

About 71% of earth is covered with water, but sadly only 2.5% of it is drinking water. With rise in population, pollution and…

Interfacing LabVIEW With Arduino Interfacing LabVIEW With Arduino

In previous article of Getting Started with LabVIEW, we have seen about LabVIEW and how it can be graphically programmed and executed in computer…

DIY Arduino Motor Driver Shield PCB DIY Arduino Motor Driver Shield

In this DIY session, we make an Arduino Motor Driver Shield to drive DC motors, stepper motor and Servo Motor. Compatible…

Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino to Build a Fire Alarm System

Fire Alarm Systems are very common in commercial building and factories, these devices usual contain a cluster of sensors that…