Arduino Nano

Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Arduino Building a Voice Controlled Home Automation System with Arduino

Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Arduino is an exciting project that aims to automate…

4x4x4 LED Cube Build 4×4×4 Led Cube using Arduino Nano

In this project, we're making a cool 4×4×4 LED cube with Arduino Nano. LED cubes, also known as LED Matrix, can light up your room, study space,…

Biped Catbot Robot using Arduino and Ultrasonic sensor Biped Catbot: Walking and Dancing Robot using Arduino

Welcome to our latest project, an exciting journey where we delve into the world of…

Smart Dustbin using Arduino Smart Dustbin using Arduino

Waste management has become a pressing global issue as urbanization continues to grow. One…

WS8211 RGB LED Strip with Arduino Interfacing WS8211 RGB LED Strip with Arduino: Step by Step Tutorial

Welcome to our blog post on interfacing the WS2811 (5V) RGB LED strip with Arduino! In this guide, we will…

LED Arcade Game using Arduino Nano How to make an Interactive 2 player Arcade Game using WS2811 LED Strip and Arduino Nano

Tired of your old Arcade games which all looks and works in the same way? Want to create a…

Arduino Nano ESP32 Transforms into Mini Linux PC Arduino Nano ESP32 Transforms into Mini Linux PC: Power Meets Portability

In a fascinating convergence of microcontroller potential and single-board computing…

Rotating Display Harnesses CD Drive Motor Innovative Rotating Display Harnesses CD Drive Motor for Mesmerizing Visuals

In a creative fusion of technology and human perception, a remarkable small rotating display…

Arduino Sings with ChatGPT Crafting Melodies with Arduino Tone() Function and ChatGPT's Collaborative Symphony

Hey there, music lovers! We've got something exciting to share with you! We've already…

Tetris Game with Arduino and OLED Creating Tetris Game with Arduino and OLED Display

If you're up for a challenge, you could create your own Tetris game using an Arduino and an…