New Products

To facilitate the fast-growing electronics industry, the semiconductor companies and component manufacturers constantly improve their designs and announce new products and components that are smaller, more efficient and powerful than the exiting ones. This section covers all the latest electronic components introduced in the market to enable design engineers to be aware about the latest options and helping them to keep their designs up-to-date for competing in the ever-evolving market.

July 31, 2018

STMicroelectronics introduced two new digital-input automotive audio amplifiers - FDA803D and FDA903D to simplify integration…

July 31, 2018

Vishay Intertechnology introduced a new AEC-Q200 qualified thick film power resistor in a clip mount TO247 package for direct…

July 31, 2018

Features low ON-state resistance and high ON-state current ratings for easier use


July 30, 2018

Infineon Technologies introduce a new 1200V IGBT generation TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT6. Manufactured on 12 inch wafer size, the new IGBT…

July 28, 2018

Molex released its new Wi-Fi flexible antenna series intended for fast and easy integration into wireless devices with minimal…

July 27, 2018

Bridgetek’s Embedded Video Engine (EVE) technology continues to gain traction within the global open source community, as well…

July 26, 2018

Vishay introduced new series of surface-mount Automotive Grade power LEDs in PLCC-2 and ultra compact MiniLED packages.…

July 23, 2018

ON Semiconductor released two new products to be used together in USB Type-C applications while offering benefits in other…

July 20, 2018

Managing and reducing power consumption is crucial in low-voltage, high-power applications such as FPGAs, Graphics Processing…

July 19, 2018

Sensirion presents its long-term stable PM sensor SPS30 at IoTE 2018. Based on the innovative contamination-resistance…

July 18, 2018

Power-management ICs offer high performance, small size, efficiency, and protection needed by advanced auto subsystems

July 18, 2018

STMicroelectronics' new TSB712A Low-Noise Op-amp allows high range of input voltage and temperature. Fully specified over a…