Electronics Projects

Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.If you want more projects you can also check out our collection at Arduino IoT Projects | Arduino Robotics Projects | Arduino AI Projects | Arduino Home Automation Projects | Raspberry Pi Projects | ESP32 Projects

All the colors can be made from Red, Green and Blue color (RGB), these are the basic three colors from which we can generate…

In this tutorial we are going to interface a joystick module with atmega8 microcontroller. A JOY STICK is an input module…

In this project we are going to interface a ROTARY ENCODER with ARDUINO.  ARDUINO UNO is an ATMEGA controller based…

In this tutorial we are going to interface FLEX sensor with ATMEGA8 microcontroller. In ATMEGA8, we are going use 10bit ADC (…

Bistable Multivibrator mode of 555 timer IC is the easiest mode of 555 timer IC, where Monostable multibrator mode has one…

Astable Multivibrator mode of 555 timer IC is also called Free running or self-triggering mode. Unlike Monostable Multivibrator…

Monostable multivibrator (MMV) mode of 555 timer IC is also called Single shot mode. As the name indicates, only one state is…

Small Loudspeaker is a fun project to do, you can connect it to your Cellphone or Laptop through a 3.5mm audio jack and can…

Object counters or product counters are important applications used in industries, shopping malls, etc. They count objects…

Often we need stopwatch to differentiate the time of two events. Here in this tutorial we are going to design a…

Schmitt Trigger gate is a digital logic gate, designed for arithmetic and logical operations. It provides OUTPUT based on INPUT…

In this tutorial we are going to interface a 4x4 (16 key) keypad with ARDUINO UNO. We all know keypad is one of the most…