
L298N Motor Driver with Arduino How to use L298N Motor Driver with Arduino?

Looking to add motion control to your Arduino projects? Whether you're building a robot…

Camera That Identify Objects at The Speed of Light Camera That Identifies Objects at Light Speed with Ultra-Low Power Use

Researchers at Princeton University, led by Felix Heide, and Arka Majumdar from the University of Washington, developed a camera that doesn’t just…

Shape Shifting Robot Robot with Shape Shifting Design That Rolls, Moves, and Swims Across Any Terrain

Robots usually struggle with challenging terrains and may need an extensive amount of sensors to navigate through tough environments. GOAT…

CARL: An Underwater Robot CARL: An Underwater Robot That Surfs Vortex Rings for Energy-Efficient Propulsion

CARL is an autonomous underwater vehicle designed by researchers Peter Gunnarson and John O. Dabiri, this robot uses vortex rings, the spinning…

Floaty a Skydiver Robot Floaty: A Skydiver Robot That Flies in a Wind Tunnel

While a skydriver falls from the sky or when a starship adjusts its position, they use air resistance to steer. This mechanism is used by this…

Real-Time Balance Control with ESP32 An Open-Source Self-Balancing Robot Powered by ESP32

A developer has built a self-balancing robot…

Multi-Directional Rolling Cube DIY Multi-Directional Rolling Cube Robot with Self-Righting Design

Robots come in many forms, but some can move in all directions just by adjusting their shape. Joshua Stanley, a creator on YouTube, has previously…

Self-Balancing Robotic Bike that uses no Gyroscope Advancing Robot Bikes with Reinforcement Learning

The Robotics and AI (RAI) Institute has developed the  Ultra Mobility Vehicle (UMV), a self-balancing robotic bike…

High-Efficiency Power Distribution Using Ideal Diodes Hybrid Power Management System with Ideal Diode Technology

A YouTuber has developed a combat suit featuring a spinal battery system designed for improved power efficiency and…

 New Adaptive Nonlinear PID Controller for Ballbot Making Ballbots More Stable with New Adaptive Nonlinear PID Controller System

Ballbots are a fascinating type of robot that can move in any direction, but controlling them is no easy task. Traditional controllers, like PID (…