
ESP32 Undocumented Commands Espressif Shuts Down “Backdoor” Hysteria: ESP32 Debugging Feature Misrepresented as Security Threat

A recent controversy has emerged around Espressif’s ESP32 microcontroller, following the discovery of undocumented Bluetooth HCI commands by…

MPLAB PICkit Basic Microchip Introduces MPLAB PICkit Basic, an Affordable Debugger for Developers

Microchip has introduced the MPLAB PICkit Basic, an affordable and compact debugging tool designed for students, hobbyists, and engineers working…

Bus Pirate 6 Bus Pirate 5XL and 6 Debut Featuring the All New RP2350

Bus Pirate is one of the most popular hardware debugging multi-tool used by the electronics community. It was originally developed by Ian…

Bus Pirate 5- The Debugging Tool Bus Pirate 5: The Next Generation Debug Tool

The Bus Pirate is a very popular open-source hardware and protocol debugging tool among the electronics community.…

ESP32 - GPIO Viwer ESP32 Debugging made Easier with GPIOViewer

Debugging a circuit on a hardware level is always challenging, especially when coding is involved. It would always make…

Portable Electronic Debugging Tool Felini - The Swiss Army Knife of Electronic Debugging Tools

Chu Tien Thinh, an electronics engineer and enthusiast, has created a highly portable debug…

Arduino troubleshooting and common issues Arduino not working? Troubleshoot Tips and Tricks to make It Work

The Arduino platform is one of the most popular platforms for electronics enthusiasts and…

How to Debug an Arduino Project: Arduino IDE Debugging Tools How to Debug an Arduino Project – A better way to Write your Arduino Codes

Debugging is a vital element of the creative process when it comes to developing code. Arduino debugging, on the other hand,…