
Temperature Controlled Fan with LM35 and Arduino Temperature Controlled Fan using Arduino

In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key. Dealing with the temperature fluctuations in your living space can be…

Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Car Obstacle Avoiding Car Using Arduino

Avoiding obstacles is a key job in robotics, where autonomous robots aim to reach their destination without bumping…

Smart Dustbin using Arduino Smart Dustbin using Arduino

Waste management has become a pressing global issue as urbanization continues to grow. One…

DIY Self Driving Car DIY Self-Driving Car on a Budget: An Unconventional Experiment

In a unique and budget-friendly project, a determined YouTuber “Computerphile” set out to…

Interfacing Arduino with PIR Motion Sensor How to Interface HC-SR501 PIR (Motion) Sensor with an Arduino

In this blog, we will learn about how to interface a Passive Infrared sensor (PIR Sensor) or…

Interfacing Heartbeat Sensor with Arduino How to Interface Heartbeat (Pulse) Sensor with Arduino?

In this tutorial, we will learn to Guide you about how you can interface a heartbeat sensor…

WS8211 RGB LED Strip with Arduino Interfacing WS8211 RGB LED Strip with Arduino: Step by Step Tutorial

Welcome to our blog post on interfacing the WS2811 (5V) RGB LED strip with Arduino! In this guide, we will…

Arduino Additional $22 Million Investment Arduino Secures Additional $22 Million Investment, with Arm Chipping In, For R&D, TinyML, and Cloud Initiatives

In the latest financial update, raised an additional $22 million to its Series B funding,…

LED Arcade Game using Arduino Nano How to make an Interactive 2 player Arcade Game using WS2811 LED Strip and Arduino Nano

Tired of your old Arcade games which all looks and works in the same way? Want to create a…

Impact of Super-Fast Charging on Smartphone Battery Life Unveiling the Truth: The Impact of Super-Fast Charging on Smartphone Battery Life using Arduino

In a recent video by Great scott that's been making waves in tech circles, the DIY…