
HFDA801A Class-D Automotive Audio Amplifier from STMicroelectronics Class-D Automotive Audio Amplifier with Hi-Fi Audio Quality and Advanced Diagnostics for Compact Audio and Alerting Systems

The HFDA801A from STMicroelectronics is a 2MHz switching pulse-width modulation (PWM) Class-D amplifier designed for compact,…

Type-5 NFC Tags from STMicroelectronics New Type-5 NFC Tags from STMicroelectronics with Dynamic Message Content and Tamper Detection

Uniquely combining NFC Type-5 properties with augmented NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) and tamper detection,…

MasterGaN2 - STMicroelectronics MasterGaN Platform STMicroelectronics Extends MasterGaN Family with New Device Optimized for Asymmetrical Topologies

Building upon the advantages of the STMicroelectronics MasterGaN platform, MasterGaN2 is the first in…

STM32WB55 Ultra-Low Power Wireless Microcontroller STM32 Based Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Module to Boost IoT Design Productivity

STMicroelectronics is offering a solution to accelerate the market of Bluetooth LE and 802.15.4 based IoT…

MasterGaN2 600V Half Bridge Driver from STMicroelectronics MasterGaN2: 600V Half Bridge Driver with Two Enhancement Mode GaN HEMT for High-Efficiency Power Topologies

STMicroelectronics has released MasterGaN2, an asymmetric half-bridge pair of power GaN transistors in a small 9mm x 9mm x 1mm…

VIPer31 Compact High-Voltage Converter IC from STMicroelectronics New Highly Integrated Offline Converter, VIPer31 joins the ViperPlus Power Family

The latest addition to the VIPerPlus series, the VIPer31 compact high-voltage converter IC from…

STM32Cube Expansion Package from STMicroelectronics New STM32Cube Expansion Package Dedicated for AI-Based Industrial Condition Monitoring

Octonion SA, a deep tech software company specializing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the Edge for industrial-…

ADC on STM8S Microcontroller with COMIC C Compiler ADC on STM8S using Cosmic C Compiler – Reading Multiple ADC Values and Displaying on LCD

If you are a regular reader who is following our STM8S Microcontroller Tutorials, you would know that in our last tutorial, we…

STM8S Serial Communication using STVD and Cosmic C Serial UART Communication on STM8 using Cosmic C and STVD - Print / Read Characters and Strings

Programming a new microcontroller often takes a longer time due to the new register handling methods and not knowing what bit…

Programming STM8S Microcontroller using Arduino IDE Programming STM8S Microcontrollers using Arduino IDE

Arduino has undoubtedly grown into a user friendly and quick prototyping tool, thanks to its supportive user community. Today,…