raspberry pi robotics

Semi-Automatic Cooking Robot DIY Cooking Robot: Make Your Own Robot Chef

Cooking robots have become a growing fascination, with high-end automated systems and futuristic humanoid designs capturing imaginations. Even…

DIY Air Hockey Robot This Robot Predicts Your Next Move to Play Air Hockey

Remember the thrill of playing against a computer in classic games like chess or ping pong? Now imagine that experience brought to life, where a…

DIY Pipe Inspection Robot A Raspberry-Pi powered DIY Inspection Robot for Sewer Line Inspection

YouTuber Stargate System turned a frustrating sewer pipe issue into an opportunity for innovation by creating a custom inspection robot.…

Arduino Robotics Projects Arduino Robotics Projects: From Basics to Advanced

Arduino projects have gained immense popularity among both seasoned makers and beginners due to their ability to blend…

Diablo Raspberry Pi-Powered Robot New Raspberry Pi-Powered Robot, Diablo, Makes Waves in the Tech World

A groundbreaking robot, Diablo, has taken the tech world by storm, offering a fusion of…

Smallest Rubik's Cube Solver Robot Raspberry Pi Powered World's Smallest Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

A creator named Andrea Favero, from Netherlands has created the world’s smallest Rubik’s…

Line Following Robot using Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Pico based Line Follower Robot

This Robot can follow any line and can reach its destination automatically, by…

Raspberry Pi Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor Raspberry Pi Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor

Robots are machines which reduce the human efforts in heavy works by automating the tasks in industries, factories, hospitals…