Mesh Networking

Meshtastic Frame work Meshtastic - An OpenSource Off-Grid Communication Platform

In an era where staying connected is paramount, Meshtastic emerges as a groundbreaking solution for those seeking reliable communication beyond…

Getting started with Reticulum and RNode Off-Grid Connectivity: Internet-Independent Communication with Reticulum and RNode

Our increasing dependence on the internet underscores the importance of decentralised communication networks, especially for use cases where…

Bluetooth Mesh Protocol 1.1 Espressif Sets the Pace with Bluetooth Mesh Protocol 1.1 Support

Espressif Systems just announced the latest Bluetooth Mesh Protocol 1.1 supports for its…

ESP Wi-Fi MESH Network How to Configure an ESP Mesh Network using Arduino IDE – Communicate among and between ESP32, ESP8266, and NodeMCU

Internet of Things (IoT) has seen exponential growth over the past couple of years. A new study from International Data…

Wireless Gecko modules for Mesh Networking in IoT Products Wireless Gecko modules for Mesh Networking in IoT Products

Silicon Labs have launched a new portfolio of highly integrated secure wireless Gecko modules that reduce development cost and…