Building Tiny Battle Bot with ESP8266
An electronics enthusiast recently shared an impressive project called Tiny Battle Bots, inspired by the popular… |
Build a Simple Arduino RC Boat that can be Controlled Wirelessly using 433 MHz RF Modules
In this project, we will build a remote-controlled Arduino Air-Boat that can be controlled wirelessly using the 433 MHz RF… |
Control DC Motor with Arduino and L293D Motor Driver IC
If you are planning on building a robot with DC motors then you will eventually learn that you need to control both the… |
How to Make Line Following Robot without using Microcontroller
Line follower Robot (LFR) is a machine that follows a line, it may be a black line or a white line. The line following bot is… |
Build your own Arduino based Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot for Automatic Floor Cleaning
In a present-day scenario, we all are so busy with our work that we don't have the time for cleaning our house properly. The… |
DIY Battery Powered NodeMCU Motor Driver Shield for Robotic Applications
When developing robotic projects, motors are one of the most important parts of the whole project and there is always a need… |
DIY Raspberry Pi Motor Driver HAT
A Raspberry Pi HAT is an add-on board for Raspberry Pi with the same dimensions as Pi. It can directly fit on the top of… |
Interfacing DC Motor with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16
DC motors are the most widely used motors. These motors can be found almost everywhere from small projects to advanced robotics… |