
Building Tiny Battle Bot with ESP8266 Building Tiny Battle Bot with ESP8266

An electronics enthusiast recently shared an impressive project called Tiny Battle Bots, inspired by the popular…

Arduino RC Boat using 433 MHz RF Modules Build a Simple Arduino RC Boat that can be Controlled Wirelessly using 433 MHz RF Modules

In this project, we will build a remote-controlled Arduino Air-Boat that can be controlled wirelessly using the 433 MHz RF…

Interfacing L293D Motor Driver IC with Arduino to control DC motor Control DC Motor with Arduino and L293D Motor Driver IC

If you are planning on building a robot with DC motors then you will eventually learn that you need to control both the…

Line Follower Robot without Microcontroller How to Make Line Following Robot without using Microcontroller

Line follower Robot (LFR) is a machine that follows a line, it may be a black line or a white line. The line following bot is…

Arduino based Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot Build your own Arduino based Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot for Automatic Floor Cleaning

In a present-day scenario, we all are so busy with our work that we don't have the time for cleaning our house properly. The…

Battery Powered NodeMCU Motor Driver Shield DIY Battery Powered NodeMCU Motor Driver Shield for Robotic Applications

When developing robotic projects, motors are one of the most important parts of the whole project and there is always a need…

Raspberry Pi Motor Driver HAT DIY Raspberry Pi Motor Driver HAT

A Raspberry Pi HAT is an add-on board for Raspberry Pi with the same dimensions as Pi. It can directly fit on the top of…

Interfacing DC Motor with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16 Interfacing DC Motor with AVR Microcontroller Atmega16

DC motors are the most widely used motors. These motors can be found almost everywhere from small projects to advanced robotics…