Fire Sensor

Fire Fighting Bot Controller using ESP12 Fire Fighting Bot Controller: A Crude and Efficient Solution to Save Many Lives

The main inspiration behind building this project was that a few years back, one of our friends mistakenly…

Sending Email Using ESP8266 and MSP430 Launchpad Sending Email Using MSP430 Launchpad and ESP8266

We are moving towards the World of Internet of Things (IoT), a technology which is going to play a very important role in the…

Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino Interfacing Flame Sensor with Arduino to Build a Fire Alarm System

Fire Alarm Systems are very common in commercial building and factories, these devices usual contain a cluster of sensors that…

DIY Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot Project Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robot

According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), it is estimated that more than 1.2 lakh deaths have been caused because of…

Fire Alarm System using AVR Microcontroller Fire Alarm System using AVR Microcontroller

In this project, we are going to make a Fire Alert System using ATMEGA8 microcontroller and fire sensor. Fire sensor can be of…