astable mode

8051 Microcontroller based Frequency Counter 8051 Microcontroller based Frequency Counter

Frequency is defined as number of cycles per second. It can also be defined as reciprocal of total time ‘T’.  In this project…

Brake Failure Indicator Project Brake Failure Indicator Circuit

Automobiles have been the primary mode of transportation for most of us and we depend on them for our day to day commute.…

555 Timer Astable Multivibrator Circuit 555 Timer Astable Multivibrator Circuit

Astable Multivibrator mode of 555 timer IC is also called Free running or self-triggering mode. Unlike Monostable Multivibrator…

Electronic Mosquito Repellent Circuit using 555 Timer IC Electronic Mosquito Repellent Circuit

Various mosquito repellent solutions like coils, liquid vaporizers, and creams, all have possible adverse effects to health.…