Artificial Intelligence

Drying Monitoring System for Coffee Beans Based on IoT Drying Monitoring System for Coffee Beans Based on IoT

This method uses a heat pump to recycle the air used in drying, making it more energy efficient. This technology allows…

CNN Accelerator Aided Visitor Verification System on MAX78000FTHR CNN Accelerator Aided Visitor Verification System on MAX78000FTHR

The project aims at building a Visitor Verification System for domestic purposes using MAX78000FTHR utilizing state-of-…

Smart Home Using Arduino Uno R4 WiFi Smart Home Using Arduino Uno R4 WiFi

Our Smart Home Using Arduino Uno R4 WiFi project is designed for home safety and convenience, integrating temperature,…

Intelligent Farming System Using IoT and Edge AI Intelligent Farming System Using IoT and Edge AI

For this contest, I want to build something around edge AI and IoT. I…

AI-Based Air Quality Index Monitoring and Suggestion System AI-Based Air Quality Index Monitoring and Suggestion System

The solution involves developing a hardware device using the Sipeed Maixduino board, equipped with sensors to read…

Voice Activation Office Assistant DigiKey Voice-Activated Office Assistant

Hello everyone! In this project, we will create a voice-activated office assistant using the Maixduino board and…

Brain-Controlled Automation For People with Limited Mobility Brain-Controlled Automation For People with Limited Mobility

The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Home Automation for People with Limited Mobility project is designed to empower individuals with restricted…

AI Threat Detection Edge AI-Powered Surveillance: Intelligent Threat Detection

The theme of the contest focused on developing Edge AI solutions utilizing the limited computational resources of…

The Advanced Automated Farm with Maixduino Board for Remote Farm Management Advance Automated Farm

For this IoT & Edge AI project challenge I want to make a project for the farmers cause India is a country where…

AI-driven Smart Car Washing System Smart Car Washing System Using Edge Impulse for Object Detection

The Smart Car Washing System is an innovative solution that combines cutting-edge AI technology and automation to…