Electronics and Semiconductor News

Find the latest electronics industry news covering new electronics components releases in various electronics domains such as embedded, power electronics, analog, digital, IoT and Automotive industries. 

Renesas Electronics Corporation introduced the RAA279974, a 4-channel AHL video decoder, as part of its Automotive HD…

Qorvo has unveiled an automotive-qualified silicon carbide (SiC) field effect transistor (FET) UJ4SC075009B7S…

With the increasing adoption of electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, the connectivity penetration in a car is…

There was an urgent need to raise our domestic value addition from 15% to 30-35% to make us strong in the global…

In the United Kingdom, a significant advancement in military technology has been achieved with the successful testing…

First launched in 2016, the show was originally named the Asia (Guangzhou) Battery Sourcing Fair (GBE ASIA) and has so…

SEMI, the largest global Association for semiconductor eco-system and microelectronics has partnered with ELCINA &…

In the electronics and DIY industry, there are many types of X-Y machines we use every day, including 3D printers,…

As per the policy, the state government would provide 50 percent subsidy of the capital subsidy offered by the central…

It is is highly expected to increase its investment in the country by two-folds in terms of research, design, and…

Renesas Electronics Corporation has unveiled the RZ/G3S, a 64-bit general-purpose microprocessor designed for IoT edge…

CircuitDigest teamed up with DigiKey and organized the World Energy Challenge 2023 contest to see…