Revolutionary Omnidirectional Robot Built by Local Robotics Enthusiast

Published  May 5, 2023   0
S Staff
Omnidirectional Robot
Omnidirectional Robot

A new omnidirectional robot has been developed in our community, utilizing advanced technology and clever engineering. The robot can move in any direction without turning, thanks to its omnidirectional wheels made up of small rollers. In a recent YouTube video, the creator showcased the robot's capabilities and the process of building it from scratch.

The robot's circuit board is equipped with all the necessary electronics, including motors, hardware, and sensors.

robot's circuit board

A 3D-printed circuit board houses a 3-dimensional antenna and PWM driver, along with motor drivers and an ESP32-S2 for control. The software is in a basic state, but the robot can be controlled through a little web server that allows the camera's video stream to be viewed, as well as providing sliders for brightness and rotational speed. The robot can also be controlled via another ESP-based device over ESPNOW, using the latest Picoclick with a six degrees of freedom inertial measurement unit.

Omnidirectional Robot with Controller App

Despite some lag in the video stream, the robot is fully functional and highly maneuverable. Our community is excited to see what this innovative technology will bring to the field of robotics and looks forward to more developments from this talented creator.