Nexperia has introduced the new PMCB60XN and PMCB60XNE 30V N-channel small-signal trench MOSFETs, with market-leading RDS(on) in the ultra-compact wafer-level DSN1006 package to make energy go further where space is tight and battery runtime is critical. Ideal for highly miniaturized electronics like smartphones, smart watches, hearing aids, and earphones, the new MOSFETs support the trend toward greater intelligence and richer functionality that raise system power demand.
These MOSFETs are rated for drain current up to 4A and have maximum RDS(on) of 50mΩ and 55mΩ respectively, at VGS = 4.5V which gives them the lowest on-resistance per die area among similar 30V MOSFETs in the market. With RDS(on) up to 25% better than competing devices, they minimize energy losses and increase efficiency in load switching and battery management. Their superior performance also reduces self-heating thereby enhancing user comfort in wearable devices. Moreover, the PMCB60XNE comes with ESD protection rated to 2kV (human body model – HBM) integrated in the tiny 1.0mm × 0.6mm × 0.2mm DSN1006 outline.
In addition to these two MOSFETs in DSN1006, the company has also introduced the PMCA14UN, a 12V, N-channel trench MOSFET in a DSN1010 package. With max RDS(on) of 16mΩ at VGS = 4.5V, this MOSFET delivers market-leading efficiency in the 0.96mm × 0.96mm × 0.24mm (SOT8007) outline.