Industry News

From bulky vacuum tubes to compact high performance microprocessors the evolution of electronic components over the years has always been evident.  This section covers all the recent technological advancement in the electronics industry and the new-age products that have hit the electronics market recently.

March 1, 2018

Electronic skin display reads electrocardiogram in real time or sends to the cloud.

Researchers of…

February 26, 2018

OTON Glass is a smart glass developed for people who have difficulty reading letters. It’s a pair of glass, used to convert…

February 20, 2018

NXP has announced the availability of its GreenBox vehicle electrification development platform. GreenBox allows automakers and…

February 13, 2018

Gold tab attached to skin converts mechanical energy into juice for wearable’s, self-powered electronics. Searching for a power…

February 11, 2018

Researchers team of UC San Diego State University has developed a pair of “4-D goggles” that allows wearers to be physically “…

February 6, 2018

Researchers from Clemson’s Nanomaterial’s Institute (CNI) are one step closer to wirelessly powering the world using…

February 2, 2018

Shaped like a spine, new design enables remarkable flexibility, high energy density, and stable voltage no matter how it is…

January 30, 2018

Japanese Robotics Company Cyberdyne got approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Hybrid Assisted Limb or HAL.

HAL is a…

January 18, 2018

Now get double speed and density for graphics processing in comparison to currently available GDDR5 through 16GB GDDR6 

January 11, 2018

Sophisticated new adaptive driving beam headlight technology enables automakers and Tier-1 suppliers to enhance driver…

January 10, 2018

Maxim’s next-generation 6Gbps GMSL SerDes technology supports DRIVE Pegasus, the industry’s first Level 5 platform for autonomous vehicles

January 10, 2018

Samsung announced in CES 2018 for its vision and strategy towards IOT (Internet of Things) experience. At the time of press…