Hello All,
Im trying to read holding register data values of energy meter through arduino mega using RS485 to TTL converter from past 1 month but I havent suceeded. Please help me out in this regard
Im using Elmeasure energy meter of model LG1129 & BM5140
RS485 to TTL converter module link
Im attaching the code i used:
#include <SimpleModbusMaster.h>
#define baud 19200
#define timeout 1000
#define polling 2000 // the scan rate
#define retry_count 10
#define TxEnablePin 2
// PACKET10,
// PACKET11,
// PACKET12,
// PACKET13,
// PACKET14,
// PACKET15,
TOTAL_NO_OF_PACKETS // leave this last entry
// Create an array of Packets to be configured
Packet packets[TOTAL_NO_OF_PACKETS];
// Masters register array
unsigned int regs[TOTAL_NO_OF_REGISTERS];
void setup()
// Initialize each packet
// Serial1.begin(9600);READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS 43118
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET1], 1(adres PM710 sampai ke n), READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4010(adress registry), 1(jenis data), 10(pengurutan data sampai ke n));
modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET1], 1, READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS, 0x40133, 2, 10); //L-N //A
modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET2], 1, READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS, 0x40135, 2, 12); //Frekuency //B
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET3], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4032, 1, 12); //A-N //C
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET4], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4033, 1, 13); //B-N //D
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET5], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4034, 1, 14); //C-N //E
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET6], 2, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 3998, 2, 15); //REAL ENERGY //F
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET7], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4005, 1, 16); //REAL POWER //G
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET8], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4006, 1, 17); //AMP POWER //H
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET9], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4007, 1, 18); //KVAR DAYA REAKTIF //I
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET10], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4029, 1, 19); //A-B //J
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET11], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4030, 1, 20); //B-C //K
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET12], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4031, 1, 21); //C-A //L
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET13], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4019, 1, 22); //ARUS A //M
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET14], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4020, 1, 23); //ARUS B //N
// modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET15], 1, READ_INPUT_REGISTERS, 4021, 1, 24); //ARUS C //O
//modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET2], 3, PRESET_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS, 0, 1, 20);
Valid modbus byte formats are:
SERIAL_8N2: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 2 stop bits
SERIAL_8E1: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 Even parity bit, 1 stop bit
SERIAL_8O1: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 Odd parity bit, 1 stop bit
// Initialize the Modbus Finite State Machine
modbus_configure(&Serial1, baud, SERIAL_8E1, timeout, polling, retry_count, TxEnablePin, packets, TOTAL_NO_OF_PACKETS, regs);
void loop()
int A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O;
A = regs[10];
B = regs[12];
// C = regs[12];
// D = regs[13];
// E = regs[14];
// F = regs[15];
// G = regs[16];
// H = regs[17];
// I = regs[18];
// J = regs[19];
// K = regs[20];
// L = regs[21];
// M = regs[22];
// N = regs[23];
// O = regs[24];
// n = regs[n];
Serial.print("A = ");
// Serial.println(A / 77.69624);
Serial.print("B = ");
// Serial.println(B / 333.333333);
// Serial.print("C = ");
// Serial.println(C/10);
// Serial.print("D = ");
// Serial.println(D/10);
// Serial.print("E = ");
// Serial.println(E/10);
// Serial.print("F = ");
// Serial.println(F);
// Serial.print("G = ");
// Serial.println(G);
// Serial.print("H = ");
// Serial.println(H);
// Serial.print("I = ");
// Serial.println(I);
// Serial.print("J = ");
// Serial.println(J);
// Serial.print("K = ");
// Serial.println(K);
// Serial.print("L = ");
// Serial.println(L);
// Serial.print("M = ");
// Serial.println(M);
// Serial.print("N = ");
// Serial.println(N);
// Serial.print("O = ");
// Serial.println(O);
//Voltage2 = regs[12];
//Serial.print("Voltage L-N : ");
//Serial.println(" V");
// Serial.println("DEBUG || OUTPUT");
// Serial.print("requests: ");
// Serial.print(packets[PACKET1].requests);
// Serial.print(" || Voltage L-N :");
// Serial.println(Voltage);
// Serial.print(" || Voltage L-N :");
// Serial.print(Voltage/10);
// Serial.println(" Volt");
// Serial.println("=======================================");
// Serial.print(" || Frekuency :");
// Serial.print(F/100);
// Serial.println(" Hz");
// Serial.println(" V");
Serial.print("successful_requests: ");
Serial.println(" || ");
Serial.print("failed_requests: ");
Serial.println(" || ");
Serial.print("exception_errors: ");
Serial.println(" || ");
Serial.print("connection: ");
Serial.println(" || ");
// Serial.println(" ");
PermalinkThe program looks good and I dont think the problem is with the program. What energy meter are using and how sure are you that the meter speaks RS485. Here in australia its not leagal to play with energy meters and its also not easy to tap out the communication with RS485 to TTL converter. But it can very well be done if your energy meter supports. So first make sure whats inside your energy meter.
Also if you are still doubtfull about your program you can set up anothe Arduino to speak RS485 and and try rading it with your RS485 to TTL converter. This way you can make sure your converter and code is working as expected. This link might be helpful
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Joined August 11, 2018 35Saturday at 01:52 PM