Srinivasan M

Srinivasan M
Project Idea
Wireless Sensor Network For Environmental Monitoring and Control

The project aims to develop a comprehensive environmental monitoring system using LoRa-based wireless sensor networks. This system will be capable of mapping and tracking various environmental parameters over a large geographical area.

The proposed system will consist of compact, solar-powered slave nodes that will continuously monitor environmental factors such as air quality, humidity, and temperature. These nodes will transmit the collected data to a master node, which will then relay this information to a central server for further processing.

Upon processing, the data will be made available through a web-based monitoring platform. This platform will not only visualize the data but also aid in devising effective pollution control strategies.

The potential applications of this system are vast and varied. Here are some use cases:

Industrial Monitoring: Industries can use this system to monitor the environmental impact of their operations and take necessary steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

Urban Planning: City planners can use the data to make informed decisions about urban development and infrastructure planning.

Agriculture: With very small modification to the system, farmers can use the system to monitor soil health and weather conditions, thereby optimizing their farming practices.

Disaster Management: The system can provide real-time data during natural disasters, aiding in efficient rescue and relief operations.

Climate Research: Researchers can use the collected data for local climate studies and environmental research. Which is really helpful in wildlife research and sanctuary environments

By harnessing the power of Solar and LoRa technology, the project aims to contribute significantly to environmental conservation efforts across various sectors.