Nilotpal Basak

Nilotpal Basak
Project Idea

The use of bomb Defuser Robot:--
>This Robot is operated by a remote by which Indian Army can closely examine the bomb from far distance, without putting themselves or others in danger. Once the device has been examined then the Robot will defuse the bomb.
>Bomb Defuser Robot are controlled by an operators from a safe distance. They are able to see what the Robot sees, through a series of cameras on the Robot’s outer casing, with the view transmitted to the operators’ monitors. Usually, there is a camera mounted on the front of the Robot, so the operator is able to see where the Robot is going.
>This Robot is so much handy and easy to use.

Parts used in this robot:--
1> Arduino uno.
2> L298 motor driver.
3> Bo motor and wheel.
4> Servo motor.
5> Camera.
6> Flysky fs-i6x transmitter and reicever.
7> Battery.
8> Jumper wire.
9> Wire cutter.
10> Led.
11> LM 7805 voltage regulator.
12> Waste material to make the chassis.
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