Nilotpal Basak

Nilotpal Basak
Project Idea
I am presenting K G F – T , it stands for
K- Keep eye on sea routes
G- Go in danger zone before human being
F- Finding lost boat and ship in ocean
T- Tracking illegal supply in sea routes, like Narcotics, Weapons

K G F –T is a radio controlled boat in which one wireless camera is attached which helps to show the live video and photograph.
The use of K G F – T are :-
1> It can find human beings which are
lost in flood
2> It can track any illegal supply in sea
routes like narcotics and weapons etc
3> It can find any lost boat or ships
which are disconnected with their
4> It can go in danger zone before
human being
5> It can also transport small things under
300g like- Gun parts etc