Jeeva Mary Vinu

Jeeva Mary Vinu
Project Idea
"SmartGreens: IoT-Enhanced Sustainable Ecosystem for Diverse Microgreen Cultivation and Water Recycling Using Image processing and Machine Learning"

SmartGreens is an initiative that aims to revolutionize the cultivation of microgreens and the management of water resources, with a focus on addressing global challenges related to food security and sustainability. By leveraging the power of technologies such as IoT, Machine learning (ML) and Image processing, our project effectively tackles issues in agriculture, sustainability and energy conservation.

In SmartGreens' controlled atmospheres, diverse microgreens thrive with precise management of moisture, temperature, humidity, pH, light, and nutrients, resulting in minimal waste and increased crop yields.

One of our strategies involves repurposing fish pond water as both a fertilizer and a filtration system. As the water circulation within the microgreen cultivation area it undergoes purification and can be used as a valuable resource for diverse applications. This closed loop system not conserves water resources but also promotes sustainable engineering practices that benefit aquatic ecosystems.

SmartGreens operates autonomously through a network of IoT sensors,ML algorithms and image processing technologies. These advanced systems continuously monitor conditions in time to ensure optimal growth conditions for microgreens while minimizing human intervention. The data collected facilitates yield calculations. Allows for comparative analysis under different circumstances. This data driven approach enables us to determine the best conditions for microgreen cultivation while promoting sustainable agriculture.

In conclusion SmartGreens integrates technology, ML techniques and sustainability principles to address global issues comprehensively. By enhancing cultivation techniques and optimizing water resource management practices we contribute to food security efforts while promoting resource utilization and advancing energy conservation. Our ultimate goal is to pave the way, towards a future.
University Name
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Company Name
Muthoot Institute of Technology and Science