
Speed Sensor Using Arduino How to Build a Speed Sensor using Arduino?

Have you ever wondered how speed guns measure the speed of moving vehicles or how an athlete's sprint speed is recorded…

Customized Car Dashboards For Real-Time Readings DIY Project To Customize Car Dashboards For Optimized Real-Time Readings

The dashboard in the modern car is the window to know about the health and performance of the car, but often it is not…

Arduino GPS speedometer using OLED DIY GPS Speedometer using Arduino and OLED

Speedometers are used to measure the travelling speed of a vehicle. We previously used the IR sensor and hall sensor to build…

Digital Taxi Fare Meter using Arduino Digital Taxi Fare Meter using Arduino

Today digital meters are replacing analog meters in every sector whether its electricity meter or taxi fare meter. The main…

Speed, Distance and Angle Measurement for Mobile Robots using Arduino and LM393 Sensor (H206) Speed, Distance and Angle Measurement for Mobile Robots using Arduino and LM393 Speed Sensor (H206)

Robots have slowly started to crawl into our society to make our life simpler. We can already find the six wheeled food…

Arduino Based Analog Speedometer Using IR Sensor Analog Speedometer Using Arduino and IR Sensor

Measuring the speed/rpm of a Vehicle or a motor has always been a fascinating project to try. In this project, we are going to…