
Raspberry Pi Ball Tracking Robot using processing Raspberry Pi Ball Tracking Robot using Processing

The field of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is evolving rapidly that it is sure to change the lifestyle…

Cell Phone Controlled AC using Arduino and Bluetooth Cell Phone Controlled AC using Arduino and Bluetooth

In today’s modern world, where ever we go we have lots of electronic devices around us. But, out of all, there is only one…

DIY Arduino based Simple CNC Plotter Machine DIY Arduino Based CNC Plotter Machine

CNC Machines are Computerized Numerical Control Machines which are used to draw anything or design any mechanical part…

Real Time Face Detection and Tracking Project using Arduino Real Time Face Detection and Tracking Robot using Arduino

Ever wanted to build a Face Tracking Robotic Arm or Robot by simply using Arduino and not any other programming like OpenCV,…

Earthquake Detector Arduino Shield using Accelerometer Earthquake Detector Alarm using Arduino

An earthquake is an unpredictable natural disaster that causes damage to lives and property. It happens suddenly and we cannot…

Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Walking and Dancing Robot Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Bob (Walking & Dancing Robot)

Welcome to another project in which we will build a small Robot which can walk and dance. The project aims in teaching you how…

Virtual Reality Project using Arduino and Processing Virtual Reality using Arduino and Processing

This is a very interesting project in which we are going to learn how to implement virtual reality using Arduino and Processing…

Arduino Radar System using Processing and Ultrasonic Sensor Arduino Radar System using Processing Android App and Ultrasonic Sensor

This is an interesting project in which we explore the power of an Arduino and Android to create a Surveillance device which…

Create a Chat Room using Arduino and nRF24L01 Create a Private Chat Room using Arduino, nRF24L01 and Processing

Creating a Local Network to share personnel and confidential data's has become almost impossible for a common man in our modern…