STMicroelectronics has extended support for Microsoft Azure RTOS in the STM32Cube development environment, covering additional high performance, mainstream, ultra-low-power, and wireless microcontrollers (MCUs) from the STM32 family. Users can leverage the qualities of Azure RTOS, the convenience of STM32Cube, and the flexibility of the STM32 family to optimize MCU properties by choosing from over 700 MCUs in the STM32 Arm Cortex-M portfolio.
The Azure RTOS suite comprises a comprehensive and consistent middleware offer for embedded projects. It includes the ThreadX real-time operating system, which has a minimal memory footprint, and the FileX fault-tolerant FAT file system with LevelX wear leveling for NAND and NOR Flash memories. The suite also comes with NetX Duo industrial-grade TCP/IP stacks, and the USBX USB stack with host and device support.
STM32Cube simplifies developing with Azure RTOS as a standalone package or as add-on configurable components. The Azure RTOS suite is fully supported in the STM32CubeIDE tool and the STM32CubeMX initializer, which can directly configure Azure RTOS components. Integrating Azure RTOS within STM32Cube simplifies the development of high-quality embedded projects that are robust, energy-efficient, feature-rich, and competitively priced.