Self-contained Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1 Antenna Board for Direction Finding and Indoor Positioning

Published  March 16, 2022   0
L Lakshita
u‑blox ANT-B10 antenna board
u‑blox ANT-B10 antenna board

u‑blox has announced the launch of a new u‑blox ANT-B10 antenna board that enables low power, high precision indoor positioning and speeds up evaluation, testing, and commercialization of Bluetooth direction finding and indoor positioning solutions. Designed specifically for Bluetooth angle of arrival direction-finding systems, this board features eight patch-antenna elements in an arrangement that offers optimal performance in the presence of multipath effects. 

This self-contained Bluetooth low energy antenna board measures the angle of an incoming Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) radio signal with high accuracy, and in conjunction with at least two more ANT-B10 boards and positioning engine software, it can determine the precise position of a Bluetooth LE device in an indoor environment. It features the NINA-B411 Bluetooth 5.1 standalone module, programmed with the u-connectLocate software, which implements the unique u‑blox direction-finding algorithm.

Key Features of ANT-B10 Antenna Board 

  • Compact, eight-element antenna array
  • Embedded AoA calculation with u-connectLocate
  • Outputs final angles, ready to be used on application level
  • High immunity to multipath effects
  • Bluetooth 5.1 compliant

Moreover, the release also includes the XPLR-AOA-3 explorer kit that features an application board, which offers developers a quick and easy way to evaluate and test the ANT-B10 antenna board, as well as u‑blox’s direction-finding algorithm.