Lora sx1278 UART Module


I need arduino library for lora sx1278 UART interface DRF1278DM 
How to Get RSSI value for this module
How to read RSSI value using arduino

Aswinth Raj

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000

Tuesday at 12:29 AM

Did you check this tutorial https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/arduino-lora-sx1278-interfacing-tutorial 

It also reads the RSSI value and displays on serial monitor 



In reply to by Aswinth Raj

  Joined March 30, 2020      1

Monday at 07:20 AM

This link for SPI module

My lora sx1278 UART interface



  Joined November 07, 2019      124

Thursday at 04:25 PM

DRF1278DM is a type of long range TTL interface data radio modem based on SX1278 from Semtech. DRF1278DM is a low-cost sub-1 GHz transceiver module designed for operations in the unlicensed ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) and LPRD bands.Frequency spectrum modulation/demodulation, multi-channel operation, high bandwidth efficiency and anti-blocking performance make DRF1278DM modules easy to realize the robust and reliable wireless link.The module can work in two different modes: Standard mode and Star network mode. In the standard mode DRF1278DM acts as transparent data radio modem which it communicates with the host at the preset data format without encoding / decoding needed. In start network mode, one module will be the configured to the central node and other modules are set to node modules. The communication between the central module and node module are bidirectional but the node modules can not talk with each other.Besides TTL interface, DORJI also provides RS232 interface module DRF1278DL1 and RS485 interface module DRF1278DL2.