I'm wondering if it's possible to use a arduino along with a dht11 or dht22 connected to an LCD screen to control a DC (9v) fan based only on humidity? In other words I want a small DC fan to kick on once the humidity reaches 65% or higher. I'm fairly novice to this stuff but have read on it for a bit. I need to know, in detail, what all I need to do this and how... if I can at least get all the right parts I'm sure I can make it work. Thanks
In reply to Yes it is possible by Aswinth Raj
Everything i ordered came in the mail today. I have the arduino uno, lcd 16x2, dc fan, bread board and jumpers, 1k ohm resistors, the 2n2222's, dht22 sensor, and both the 9v and AAx4 setups. What i need is a diagram of how to connect everything and how to have it all run off an external 9v or AA setup. Ive downloaded the dht libraries and also the arduino sketch maker. I didnt realize i needed a motor driver and is there anyway around that? A lot of the videos ive watched do not have the motor driver. Basically i know what to do when it comes to writing(copy and pasting) the code to the arduino, but i need a specific diagram of how to hook everything up. Ive found videos similar but not exactly what im looking for. I think i could manage to hook up the arduino to a 9v and then seperately run the fan on another 9v but that doesnt make a lot of sense and is not efficient enough. Can you tell me what else i would need (bigger resistors?motor driver?etc..)? And also i really really need help with hooking everything up. Thanks!!!
You can use this tutorial
to use your arduino to measure the humidity, Once the humidity is measured you can either display it on the LCD or trigger your motor driver as explained earlier
You can use this circuit to get started
Once you are successful with this, we will take you to the next step where we can add a motor to this setup.
Complete tutorial here : https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/arduino-humidity-mea…;
Hi...i am a new user here. As per my knowledge you need an Arduino board, a Humidity sensor, a DC fan motor, A driver to control your Motor. I assume the motor you are using operates on 9V or 12V. So a motor driver like L293D can be used. The sensor dht11 can be used with arduino with ease, you can simply use the dth library for arduino and do your own programming.
Yes what Rocky Terzis said would be a right approach, but I think the OP is no longer engaged in that project.
Anyways will be useful for other readers
Aswinth Raj
Joined August 16, 2016 1000Tuesday at 12:29 AM
Hi Matthew.
The project is very much possible. You will need an Arduino (any model) board, a Humidity sensor, a DC fan motor, A driver to control your Motor. I assume the motor you are using operates on 9V or 12V. So a motor driver like L293D can be used.
The sensor dht11 can be used with arduino with ease, you can simply use the dth library for arduino and do your own programming. IF you have any particular doubt or got stuck somewhere, feel free to use the forum we will help your out...