Simple Digital Stopwatch Circuit

Published  September 15, 2015   58
S Saddam
Digital Stopwatch Circuit using IC 555
Digital Stopwatch Circuit using IC 555

Often we need stopwatch to differentiate the time of two events. Here in this tutorial we are going to design a simple digital stopwatch circuit, without using any microcontroller. Here we have used the popular 555 timer IC, CD4033 ICs and few other components, which are listed below.

Required Components

  • IC 4033 - 2
  • 555 timer IC -1
  • Common Cathode 7 Segment Display -2
  • 150 Ohm -1
  • 100K resistor -1
  • 33K resistor -1
  • 56K resistor -1
  • 10uF capacitor -1
  • On/off switch -1
  • Push button  -1
  • Bread board -1
  • 9 Volt Battery -1
  • Battery Connector -1
  • LED -1
  • Voltage Regulator 7805 -1
  • Connecting wires

IC CD4033

This is counter and seven segment decoding in one package IC which is very easy to interface with seven segment displays. This is fully static counter operational IC and ideal for low power displays. This IC can be used for decade counting seven segment decimal displays, frequency division seven segment decimal displays, clocks, watches, timers, counter/display driver for meter applications.

IC 4033

Digital Stopwatch Circuit Diagram and Explanation

In this circuit we have used a 555 timer IC based astable multi-vibrator which is for creating 1 second delay. And two common cathode seven segment decoder IC’s namely CD4033. The output of astable multivibrator is directly applied to seven segment decoder IC’s (U4) Clock pin (1) and carry output pin(5) of U4 IC is directly connected to clock pin (1) of second seven segment decoder(U3). And two seven segment are connected with these decoder (U3 and U4). Its connections are shown in stopwatch circuit diagram given below. One push button is used to stop /start the stopwatch and one push button is used to reset the stopwatch. A 5 volt voltage regulator is used for providing 5 volt to whole circuit. And a 9 volt battery is used for powering the circuit.  Rest of connections are shown in the circuit diagram.

Digital Stopwatch Circuit Diagram


In this stop watch circuit we have generated one second delay by using 555 timer based astable multivibrator. By using some calculation we can easily generates one second delay. In astable multivibrator there is two resisters and one capacitor is responsible for delay by charging or discharging capacitor through resistors. Calculation formula for generating delay for astable multivibrator is given below.

F=1/T= 1.44/(R1 + 2R2) C1

In this project we have selects R1 is 33K, R2 is 56K and C1 is 10uF. [Also check: 1 minute timer circuit]

Ass Astable multi-vibrator generates one seconds delay, this delay is oscillations or pulse of 0 and 1. So we will use this pulse for triggering the seven segment decoder then seven segment decoder changes the digit number with the one second of time period.

Digital Stopwatch Block Diagram

When we ON the stopwatch (by start/stop button) it start counting from zero and if we turned OFF the same button then counting is stop or pause until again turned ON the same button or press reset button.

There are two seven segments, so this stopwatch circuit can count 00-99 seconds time. 


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Submitted by Hasan Tanweer on Sat, 12/12/2015 - 00:25


What will be the changes in circuit connections , , if I use common anode 7 segment display instead of common cathode ?

Submitted by kamulegeya sulaiman on Wed, 02/03/2016 - 12:49


if i am to use the 4026 instead of 4033.. instead of connecting to rbi, i connect to DEI? thats all that changes? pliz help

Submitted by Rick on Tue, 02/16/2016 - 08:44


Can this circuit me modified to count manually with each push of the switch.

Submitted by muggle on Thu, 04/21/2016 - 18:36



I am trying to extend this circuit to an activity tracker and save it to an SD card. Can this circuit be modified for that?

Submitted by Tarek on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 03:06


Can anyone tell me how to make the second 7 segment display count only till 5?!

thank you.

Submitted by Mike on Wed, 05/04/2016 - 22:46


My output stuck at 68 its not working please help!

Submitted by REyhan on Sat, 06/04/2016 - 01:17


How can i show the hidden pins VDD/VSS in 4033 ?? my project error if VDD And VSS gone :D

Submitted by habib on Thu, 12/01/2016 - 17:05


which resistor you used in both common point of 7 segment cathode display . you didn,t mention that .pls help may be reason to work my circuit . otherwise everything right ..

Submitted by rakib noor on Sat, 03/11/2017 - 21:23


If i use common anode seven segment decoder here then what i have to do? please,help me

Submitted by Danial Ahmed on Fri, 10/06/2017 - 15:35


Can you upload the proteus project file? I am not able to unhide VSS and VDD pins i tried following the tutorial you posted earlier in comment section

Submitted by Avinash Verma on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 13:47


i am having a doubt regarding the your connections....
if we connect according to the circuit diagram, what you have given in the site....
is it working????
i have connected according to it but i am unable to get the output.......
i have checked it trice....
please help me in that regard....please......

Submitted by Arzam on Sat, 12/02/2017 - 13:38


Juan Karlo if you want a countdown circuit then you should create it by your self using combination of D flip flops and decoder. the flip flops will start like the circuit above from 0 to 9 i.e a counter circuit the change will you make will be in the decoder who will display 9 for 0, 8 for 1 and so on. That is it will decode in opposite manner to the circuit above.

Submitted by Jame Ahmed on Fri, 12/08/2017 - 23:58


What should i need to type to find ic 4033 in multisim. Is there any alternative ic instead of 4033?

Submitted by Haseeb on Sat, 01/06/2018 - 13:25


sir all the connection are perfect but circuit is not working.. Common cathode seven segment is remain on 0 0... i have try it many time but still not working

Submitted by Raja Dasrath kumar on Sat, 02/24/2018 - 19:18


hi can you make a video full clearly of digital stopwatch to me i have doubt in video that's why i can't understand how element connected with each other

Submitted by Arslan on Wed, 05/02/2018 - 13:04


I connect this circuit as given above but its not working.. means it just turn on the seven segment but never start counting....

Submitted by usama ali on Sun, 06/03/2018 - 21:46


is there a step by step tutorial available for making this circuit please i need it very badly

Submitted by mehdi on Tue, 07/10/2018 - 12:28


which resistor I will use in the replacement of 33k resister kindly guide

Submitted by sunsuen on Fri, 07/27/2018 - 12:07


i am having a doubt regarding the your connections....
if we connect according to the circuit diagram, what you have given in the site....
is it working????
i have connected according to it but i am unable to get the output.......
i have checked it trice....
please help me in that regard....please......

Submitted by Vaibhav on Mon, 08/27/2018 - 18:50


I have tried this circuit more than 5 time. But I am not getting correct out put .

Submitted by Iftiaz Ahmed on Mon, 09/03/2018 - 00:05


In the first 4033 IC, connect the 15pin with 14pin........if the problem is not solved then connect 14pin of each 4033 ic to ground

N.B - make sure your reset button is connected perfectly...!