Cell Phone Detector circuit

Published  October 28, 2016   45
S Saddam
Cell Phone Detector Circuit
Cell Phone Detector Circuit

Cell Phone Detector is a circuit that can sense the presence of any activated cell-phone nearby and gives an indication of activated cell-phone near around of it. Basically Cell-phone detector is a Frequency Detector or a Current to Voltage Converter Circuit which catches frequencies about 0.8 - 3.0GHz (Mobile band frequencies). RL tuned circuit (Resistor–Inductor circuit) is not suitable for detecting the RF signals in GigaHertz range.

This Mobile Detector Circuit can detect incoming/outgoing calls, messaging, video transmission and any SMS or GPRS uses within the range of 1 meter. This circuit is very useful to detect Cell-phones at Cell-phone restricted places like Exam halls, meeting rooms, hospitals etc. It is also useful in detecting the unauthorised use or spying using hidden Cell Phone. It can detect the RF Transmission from the Mobile Phone and triggers Buzzer to produce beep sound, even if the phone is kept on Silent mode and this alarm continues beeping till the presence of RF signals.

Required Components:

  • Op-Amp CA3130
  • 2.2M resistor (2)
  • 100K resistor (1)
  • 1K resistor (3)
  • 100nF capacitor (4)
  • 22pF capacitor (2)
  • 100uF capacitor         
  • Bread board
  • 9 Volt Battery
  • Battery Connector
  • LED
  • Transistor BC547
  • Transistor BC557
  • Connecting wires
  • Buzzer
  • Antenna

Circuit Explanation:

In this circuit we have used a CA3130 OP-Amp IC for detecting incoming or outgoing signal around it.  Op-amp non-inverting end is connected to Vcc through 2.2M resistor and it is also connected to the ground through 100K resistor and 100uF Capacitor. Its inverting terminal is feedback from its output through a 2.2M resistor for amplify the signal. Two 100nF capacitors are connected between inverting and non-inverting terminal, working as loop antenna for the system. Two 100nF capacitors are connected in series between Pin 1 and 8 of op-amp to boost the gain of the current to voltage converter at its output pin.

Output of this op-amp is connected at the base of NPN transistor namely BC547 through a 1k resistor and a LED is connected at its emitter for indication. A buzzer is also used for sound indication by using a PNP transistor namely BC557. And a 9 volt battery is used for powering the circuit. Rests of connections are shown in the Circuit Diagram below.


Working Explanation:

This circuit consist an op-amp with some active passive components. A LED and buzzer are used for indication of presence of cellphone. Op-amp is configured as Frequency Detector or Current to Voltage Converter and its output is connected to a LED and buzzer using NPN and PNP transistors.


Working of Mobile Detector is simple. Two 100nF capacitors (C2 and C3), in parallel, are used for detecting RF signal from Mobile Phone. These capacitors are working as loop antenna for the system. When there is any call or SMS then capacitors in parallel detect the data transmission frequencies or RF signal and output of op-amp goes high or low (fluctuating) due to generated current at the input side of op-amp. Due to these fluctuations, LED turns on and off through NPN transistor according to the signal’s frequency. Now PNP transistor is also triggered with the same frequency and buzzer starts beeping until data transmission gets finished. If you are not familiar with working of Op-amps then learn more about Op-amps here.


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Submitted by Alois Baltazar on Wed, 11/30/2016 - 14:37


Hi, can I ask what type of antenna does this use? And where can I buy it? Thanks!!!

Submitted by Gil Ribeiro on Fri, 12/02/2016 - 16:49


Hi, Thanks for this article! But I am curious about the antenna too. How to specify the correct antenna for this circuit?

Submitted by sravani on Mon, 12/19/2016 - 06:10


can u please tell me?which type of antenna used for this circuit?Is it gives indication of other mobiles which is located nearby?

Submitted by Arun on Wed, 12/21/2016 - 23:20


is the output is verified.. and also can i use 100 uf capacitor instead of 100nf capacitor

Submitted by biruk satnaw on Sat, 03/18/2017 - 23:33


can you explain the working principle of the circuit?

Submitted by Moumon Bhar on Tue, 04/04/2017 - 19:39


I want to know how the Rf frequency of the signal is transformed into current in the circuit. That is for different frequencies I want to measure different current flowing in the circuit.

Submitted by Gana on Tue, 04/18/2017 - 14:59


Howzit man,

After C7, that coiled-upped connector, is that what you used for your antenna?

Submitted by hamlin on Tue, 05/09/2017 - 06:30


Sir,can u please say what type of antenna to use.

Submitted by Kiran on Wed, 06/14/2017 - 10:09


It's very good article but written material is less

Submitted by adi on Tue, 06/20/2017 - 20:16


this is a very good material this circuit works thanks so much

Submitted by ken on Fri, 10/20/2017 - 21:09


Good day! What is the schematic diagram of this cellphone detector ? Can you please help me how to build it? Thank you

Submitted by Jack on Mon, 01/29/2018 - 08:07


Good day sir.! I acknowledged your work and how you are helping the youth by impacting on them.

Please sir can you help me with the full material of the project (cell phone detector) and circuit diagram
Thanks and remain blessed

Submitted by Abhishek on Sat, 04/14/2018 - 20:27


Sir ,i riguped the ckt ...by connecting battery it starts beeping sound and also led starts glow.
Wt is the reason for this??!

Submitted by Mounika on Fri, 05/11/2018 - 14:59


Does it work only when the phone is used for calling? Then how to identify the phone when it is idle or doing other activities other than calling

Submitted by berihun ashagrie on Thu, 05/31/2018 - 22:01


Please responce me>>How loop antenaa cap C2, C3 value is decided

sir,i make this circuit but it does not working hence i use 24pf in C6 and C7 instead of using 22pf,i can't understand how it does not works so please tell me the reason as soon as possible,thank you