2 Digit Object/Product Counter

Published  September 17, 2015   89
S Saddam
2 Digit Object/Product Counter Circuit

Object counters or product counters are important applications used in industries, shopping malls, etc. They count objects or products automatically and so reduce human efforts. In this tutorial we are going to design a simple object counter circuit without using any microcontroller.



  1. LM358 IC - 1
  2. 555 timer IC -1
  3. Voltage Regulator 7805 -1
  4. 150 Ohm - 2
  5. CD4033 -2
  6. 10K resistor -2
  7. 100K resistor -1
  8. 10K POT -1
  9. 220uF capacitor -1
  10. IR sensors-1
  11. Bread board-1
  12. 9 Volt Battery -1
  13. Battery Connector-1
  14. LED -2


Circuit Diagram and Explanation

Object Counter Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram of object counter is quite similar to my previous project (digital stopwatch circuit) but a little complex . In this circuit we have used a comparator (IC LM358) and IR transmitter and receiver pair for detecting a object. And then we have used a 555 timer IC to generate a pulse for triggering the seven segment decoder (CD4033) and two common cathode seven segment display units are connected with 7 segment decoder IC. 555 timer IC is configured in mono-stable mode for generating pulse. A LM7805 Voltage regulator is used for providing constant 5 volt power supply for the circuit. And a 9 volt battery used for powering the whole circuit.  



In this circuit we detects object by using IR sensor and comparator and then we applied output of comparator to mono-stable multi-vibrator. This mono-stable multi-vibrator generates a pulse of fix time period which can be set by using given formula.


In this circuit we have selected R1 is 10K and C1

Object Counter Block Diagram

After getting a pulse from 555 timer we applied this to clock pin of 7 segment decoder (U4) and then carry out signal (pin 5) to clock pin of another 7segment decoder (U3). After getting pulse from 555 timer 7 segment counter changes number value of segment display. and when number counting reaches at 10 in U4 decoder then it sends carry out signal or pulse to seconds 7segment decoder (U3) and then second display changes his number value. And this process repeats again. This object counter circuit can count 00-99.

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yes you can add third seven segment for displaying number till 999. you will need one more 4033 ic and a seven segment.

and connect seven segment to 4033 ic as shown in circuit.
here you need to connect CO pin of U3 ic to new 4033's clock(clk) pin.

Submitted by kamulegeya sulaiman on Wed, 02/03/2016 - 12:55


if i cannot find the ic 4033, can i replace it with the ic 4026 and how should i connect
does the used of the dei instead of the rbi affect the circuit operation

Submitted by kamulegeya sulaiman on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 02:38


i assembled the curcuit as the cicuit diagram shows, using two Hcf4026 Ic. no infrared detected and its stuck at 08 on the displays. i really need your help xoz its my project

Submitted by kamulegeya sulaiman on Mon, 03/21/2016 - 18:15


The infrared sensor worked perfectly. And it counted with one 7 segment using 4026 circuit diagram maddy availed. Thanks
Will only change the timing of the tripple five for effective counting

Submitted by CHARAN on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 14:42


In which tool i can simulate this above circuit help me out in this as soon as possible

Submitted by Omar Lahiani on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 00:54


Hi ,
Thanks for sharing this project , I'm building a project that requires comparing two IR counters , so I was wondering if it is possible to compare two CD4033 outputs through an IC7485 or a similar comparator ? Or if you could suggest another idea of doing so , that would help a lot .Thank you in advance :)

Submitted by Niahat on Tue, 05/03/2016 - 11:42


hlw bro....i have made this circuit bt without tuch negative wire it dose not work. why this problem face??? please give me salution..

Submitted by Yousuf on Sat, 05/07/2016 - 01:44


hey this project is awsome, but can we decrement the counter as it is incrementing also if we want to decrement what we will doo pleasee help me i am stuck :(

Submitted by devang on Tue, 05/10/2016 - 23:23


dis crkt is not working . plz send me the correct circuit ASAP ..as i am fully dependent on ur site for my project and i have to present it on 14th may ..

Submitted by Ahan on Sun, 05/29/2016 - 18:18


I have assembled this circuit, but it is not working properly. The IR receiver/detector pairs are working perfectly and so are the 7 segment displays. But whenever an object passes, the display is does not increment the number. Could you help me out?
Please respond as soon as possible, because this is for my project and I have no time left.
Yours sincerely.

Submitted by waqas on Wed, 09/07/2016 - 14:53


sir I simulated this circuit diagram in proteous but the problem i,m facing is that it starts counting start from 01 and goes on while i want that it should start from 00 please help i,m waiting for your reply

Submitted by SUBHRA PRATIK on Wed, 09/14/2016 - 15:03


This circuit looks awesome. But I want to decreament the count when an object is taken in opposite direction by adding another it ir sensor. Can u help me with this?

Submitted by ADESH on Wed, 09/28/2016 - 18:27


is there any extra connection in between 4033 and ssd....
extra resistors are used as shown video....
plz tell me the full description of ckt diagram..

Submitted by Pratik on Wed, 09/28/2016 - 19:40


Did you checked components and circuit diagram.
It seems that your using multiple 10k resistor and see list of components in that 10k resistor are only 2

Submitted by ad on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 17:43


not getting output yar...
plz post the correct ckt diagram....
is their any one got the solution ...plz post it..
first part working properly i.e. it sense the object not count them....

Submitted by Cheeny flor on Thu, 10/06/2016 - 09:09


Can I ask sir if what would be the best replacement of cd 4033 if this circuit is not available? Thank u

Submitted by Wakee on Fri, 10/14/2016 - 10:06


Sir what if I wanna put a switch that would set the count back to 00. What pin should I place it?

Submitted by Ryan on Wed, 10/19/2016 - 18:30


Why is the LED on ON when no object is in front and goes OFF when an object passes by? Isn't the LED suppose to light only if the photodiode activates from the bounced IR (when an obstacle is present)?

Submitted by Mark Panganiban on Mon, 10/24/2016 - 05:54


What can i use to replace CD4033 for this circuit?
Can I still use this circuit if I used that replacement instead of the CD4033?

Submitted by Yi Jia on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 12:22


Hi I wanna ask is it possible that the IR sensor can detect black and white colour? Cause my project is doing black colour for player 1 and white colour for player 2 and if IR sensor detect black colour add 1 mark for player 1 and vice versa.

Submitted by Ahmad Ali on Mon, 12/05/2016 - 19:07


Hello... I want a help... I want to apply this project on PCB... Can you give me the PCB circuit diagram of this circuit... I really need help... I'll be grateful to you

Submitted by kishor on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 10:10


Please help
For this ckt using microcontroller with LCD interface .output of ic555 conected to the microcontroller then what happen ?
It can work properly ?
Please reply

Submitted by kns on Fri, 03/17/2017 - 15:19


we only get common anode 7 segment displays (and IC 9447 decoder). Can u tell me the changes to the circuit?

Submitted by Michael on Tue, 03/21/2017 - 02:54



After looking at the circuit, what is the need for the 100K resistor which connects the MR and the INH to ground? Can't seem to work this out.


Submitted by DEEPESH PUNJWANI. on Sun, 03/26/2017 - 20:08


How can we add a reset button to reset the circuit. and can we convert the circuit into a bi-directional counter??
Revert back ASAP

Submitted by nisar on Tue, 04/04/2017 - 19:48


do we need to give supply to the 7 segment display where ???
and also what to do with cc connection in the display

Submitted by DEV RATHORE ] on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 10:11


sir .
if object 1st is detected bye the sensor than diaplay on the segment will be it count by 0--to---1
lets this object again come in reverse direction than what will be the count. Is it bye 1--to--0 ?????

Submitted by ward hafez on Fri, 05/19/2017 - 16:05


hi, thanks for sharing
if i wanted to reset the count to zero, what should i do??
ps: the reset signal is from a 60-seconds timer circuit

many thanks

Submitted by Rishabh on Tue, 08/22/2017 - 10:28


Hello sir i am making this circuit for my project. The circuit in the video seems to be different from the proteus circuit diagram. I have implemented it and my ir sensor is working too. But the count value on 7 segment does not change from 00 please help me.

Submitted by Aljon on Fri, 10/13/2017 - 08:14


Hi guys. I dont know if you will reply but i really need your help. The circuit is all working and the output display is incrementing but not in proper way. My output doesnt show 00-99 instead it shows any number. It counts normally when it detects an object but it also counts when I releases the object. Hope you will reply

Submitted by Rushikesh Chikhale on Sat, 01/27/2018 - 14:57


Hey i properly build the circuit but counting is no no increment