Machine Vision

DIY Air Hockey Robot This Robot Predicts Your Next Move to Play Air Hockey

Remember the thrill of playing against a computer in classic games like chess or ping pong? Now imagine that experience brought to life, where a…

EQCO125X40 12.5Gbps CoaXPress 2.0 from Microchip High-Speed CoaxPress 2.0 Devices with Single-Chip Physical Layer Interface Speeds up Machine Vision Image Capture

Microchip Technology introduced the 12.5Gbps CoaXPress 2.0 (machine-vision image-capture solutions) interface standard in its…

New CrossLink Reference Design helps Machine Vision and Robotics Applications Leverage Advanced Application Processors New CrossLink Reference Design helps Machine Vision and Robotics Applications Leverage Advanced Application Processors

Lattice Semiconductor Corporation released a new Crosslink reference designs features the Lattice CrossLink FPGA for video…