Power Integrations has announced the release of a new compact switching power supply IC, LinkSwitch-TNZ that reduces the component count in smart home and appliance applications. Housed in a compact SO-8C package, this highly efficient compact switcher is ideal to be used for the non-isolated buck and buck-boost power supplies up to 575 mA output current and provides up to 12 W output for universal-input isolated flyback designs.
The LinkSwitch-TNZ switching power supply ICs combines offline power conversion, lossless zero-cross detection, and, optionally, X-capacitor discharge functions in a small package. These switcher ICs enable ±3% regulation across line and load, no-load consumption of less than 30 mW with external bias, and have an IC standby current of less than 100 µA.
Compared to the discrete designs, the LinkSwitch-TNZ IC can reduce the component count by 40% or more. Moreover, this IC has the capability of delivering high light-load efficiencies, thereby enabling more system features to be powered while meeting stringent standby regulations like:
- The European Commission (EC) standard for home appliances (1275), which requires equipment to consume no more than 0.5W in standby or off mode
- ENERGY STAR’s version 1.1 for Smart Home Energy Management Systems (SHEMS), which limits standby consumption of smart lighting control devices to 0.5 W
- China’s GB24849, which limits the off-mode power consumption in microwave ovens to 0.5 W
Additionally, greater PCB space reduction, low BOM count, and increased reliability (LNK331x) for high-power applications can be achieved by getting the X-capacitor discharge function included in the package. These new switching power supply ICs are available at $0.84 in volume for one thousand units.