Japan to Ease Traffic Laws By Unleashing Autonomous Delivery Robots To The Streets

Published  February 14, 2023   0
S Staff

There are certain rules like the maximum speed limit for the robots is set at 6 km/h to reduce the occasion of injuries during collision

Media reports stated that the East Asian country Japan, which is well-known for its luxurious consumer electronics companies, is now easing its traffic jams by permitting autonomous delivery robots in the streets. As per a report of euronews.next, Japan has done this due to troubles of rural isolations and workforce shortages. Most of the country’s population reside in the depopulated regions that are devoid of access to everyday basic necessities. It is a country with the globe’s oldest populations where more than 30 percent of the people are aged around 65.

The reduction of workforce in the cities and the overtime pay restrictions for truck chauffeurs crafting a huge challenge for businesses to meet the delivery on time. Hence, autonomous or self-driving robots are now viewed as the appropriate solution. The consumer electronics giant Panasonic is now providing delivery robots in Tokyo and in the adjacent areas. Dai Fujikawa, an engineer at Panasonic, told the media, "The shortage of workers in transport will be a challenge in the future. I hope our robots will be used to take over where needed and help ease the labour crunch."

ZMP, the robotics company based in Japan, has now associated with giants such as Japan Post Holdings for carrying out trials of delivery robots in the capital city. ‘DeliRo’ robot has managed to avoid passersby and offered snacks on the streets outside the city. When these robots are surrounded by pedestrians, they are programmed to show teary eyes. Reports stated that as of now, citizens have shown positive response to these robots. 

As per eronoews.next, Naoko Kamimura after purchasing cough medicines from Panasonic’s Hakobo said, "I think it's a great idea. Human store clerks might feel more reassuring but with robots, you can shop more casually. Even when there's nothing you feel is worth buying, you can just leave without feeling guilty." 

However, the local authorities in the city do not abide by the idea that the streets will be filled with robots rapidly because they are bordered with massive pressure to shield human employment. This is why experts believe that the deployment of robots will be a gradual process. There are certain rules like the maximum speed limit for the robots is set at 6 km/h to reduce the occasion of injuries during collision, while Panasonic on the other hand mentioned that its Hakobo robots are equipped with modern technology that can find obstacles and then decide accordingly when to stop and turn.
