i need build a driver for led

Submitted by vuhaiha on

hi everyone

i from viet nam,i'm a student 

i want to build a driver for led with some ìnormation

-it is CC driver (constant current)

-it is buck ,boost or buck boost still okay,i want have soft start 1-2s or custom is good,haha

-in put is 2.5-12v,ouput is 4,5v and 1-5A( if is buck driver,input is 7-12v,boost is 2.5-5v)

i find some IC for texas,TPS63020,TPS61088,ect,but i don't know how to make a soft start with driver,so i need member here help me

thank all


  Joined August 11, 2018      35

Saturday at 01:52 PM

If you want to provide an outptu of 5A at 5V then your power rating is 25W. You cannot use a linear regulator for this high value of power rating. So you have to use an LED driver IC like the LT8613 or you can also use TPS61088 which you have already selected. The TPS63020 can also be used but it can output only a maximum of 4A.

If you are using TPS61088, then the IC also supports programmable soft start that can be set by selecting the right value of capacitor. More info on this canbe found in datasheet on page 10. Datasheet link is given below


Just follow the application circuit and you should be good 



In reply to by John_Kripto

  Joined August 24, 2019      1

Saturday at 10:52 PM

you have a emaill for usse facebook

i always use and i can easy contact with you