Need a help about Heart Beat Monitoring

I have built a IoTs experience which is introduced in CircuitDigest website. It relate to Heart Beating Monitor by using Internet

And i have bought all electronic components (sensor, LCD, Arduino Board,...) as the website requirement.

But I have the error when compile the code downloaded from the website

expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token in line ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect){ 

SoftwareSerial esp8266' redeclared as different kind of symbol in line SoftwareSerial esp8266(9,10);

Please help me, thanks a lot


  Joined September 07, 2017      256

Thursday at 12:15 PM

Which project are you refering to? Provide a link to the project. 

Have you made any changes to the code? If yes provide the complete code.

Also when posting an error,paste the error from console line as such. If you are not sure which line describes the error paste the complete console message.

SoftwareSerial esp8266' redeclared as different kind of symbol in line SoftwareSerial esp8266(9,10);

The line clearly states that something is being re-declared. 


Nguyen Vinh Tan

In reply to by AISHA

  Joined March 20, 2019      1

Wednesday at 11:31 AM

I am an amateur but i love IoTs very much. So i start to learn by making applications which is upload in internet. 

I do not know a lot about the code so i do not make any change

here is the link:…

I have bought enought electronic components and have the program problems. please help me

Thank you once more time