how to connect nRF24l01 with ESP8266 NodeMCU

Submitted by Varun on

i am trying to connect the nodemcu with nRF24l01 similar to Arduino UNO interfacing with nRF24l01. i am using the same RF24.h library. The question here is when i try to replace the function parameter RF24 radio(9, 10); with RF24 radio(D5, D6); for ESP8266. Here D5 is CE and D6 is CSN, it gives me following error:

exit status 1
unable to find numeric literal operator 'operator"" D'​

Can someone help me eleiminate this error and also in interfacing the nRF24l01 with ESP8266 Nodemcu. 

any lead would be appreciated


Abhimanyu Pandit

  Joined January 21, 2019      42

Monday at 12:12 PM

the pins you are trying to input in the fucntion won't accept the D as it is not defined as charcter. it only accepts integer. So try this, 

NRF               ESP-12E
CSN ---------------- D8
MOSI --------------- D7
MISO --------------- D6
SCK ---------------- D5
CE ------------------ D4

and replace the fucntion with RF24 radio(2, 15); where 2 is CE and 15 is CSN for ESP8266


Muhammad Umar

  Joined April 09, 2020      55

Thursday at 02:40 PM

Some years ago, when I started using NodeMCU, I used same technique for ESP8266 boards to declare the pins similar to the arduino boards; I got similar errors while compiling my program. Then I checked the datasheet of ESP8266 12E module, which is the main controller in NodeMCU development board. I tried to declare the pins in other sense of using GPIO pin number. Here is the pin configuration of the NodeMCU ESP8266 12E module,

GPIO Pin Label

15 ------------------ D8

13 ------------------ D7

12 ------------------ D6

14 ------------------ D5

02 ------------------ D4

00 ------------------ D3

04 ------------------ D2

05 ------------------ D1

16 ------------------ D0

You can try to use this method where replace RF24 radio (D5, D6); with RF24 radio (14, 12); Hope your issue got resolved. Here I recommend you to contact the SSLA technical support team for getting more assistance for your project.


Technical Shahzad

  Joined May 23, 2020      47

Saturday at 02:49 PM

Some years ago, when I started using NodeMCU, I used same technique for ESP8266 boards to declare the pins similar to the arduino boards; I got similar errors while compiling my program. Then I checked the datasheet of ESP8266 12E module, which is the main controller in NodeMCU development board. I tried to declare the pins in other sense of using GPIO pin number. Here is the pin configuration of the NodeMCU ESP8266 12E module,
 GPIO             Pin Label

 15 ------------------ D8

 13 ------------------ D7

 12 ------------------ D6

 14 ------------------ D5

 02 ------------------ D4

 00 ------------------ D3

 04 ------------------ D2

 05 ------------------ D1

 16 ------------------ D0

 You can try to use this method where replace RF24 radio (D5, D6); with RF24 radio (14, 12); Hope your issue gets resolved. Here I recommend you a new advanced product EFB-IoT by Sierra Software Ltd. having various specifications also providing technical support from their team for getting more assistance in the project.



  Joined June 26, 2020      1

Friday at 04:58 PM

I am trying to send data from node mcu connected with nrf module to arduino with nrf module.Is it possible to do so?