Can someone please look over this circuit and see if it's workable.
It is supposed to detect a loud sound and then turn the relay on for a few seconds then turn off .
When I figure out how to post an image that is .
Yes it supposed to work. You can test it with breadboarding.
Thanks for the reply . I have been tasting it and so far it don't work but I have made two changes that have not been tested yet . I will give it another try .
I am beginning to think I may have a faulty breadboard .
Use this circuit, it is tested one.
Thanks for the help but that circuit just creates a new set of problems . Can it drive the relay coil from tthe IC and how do I interface the relay , and also I have to buy new parts . I am trying to stay away fron IC circuits because it makes a PC board much harder to make at home .
Your circuit should work.
The possible problem can be the 3M3 resistor does not open the T1 if u use a T1 with low Hfe (try BC547c - Hfe at least 300).
Another problem is the lenght of time to relay stays powered ON - it will depends on sound loudness and time lenght of sound.
According to my opinion, I would use a simple 2 transistor Monostable multivibrator triggered by MIC - this propose will guarantee you a constatnt relay ON time.
Thanks Michal , I will try and find another transistor for T1 . As far as I can tell the electro capacitor C2 is a timing cap and turns the circuit on when it's discharged .
It is supposed to come on as soon as you connect power then after a few seconds turn the relay off , then wait for a sound to turn back on .
Don't ask me how that works . If you can post a circuit and how it interfaces I might try it but no IC 's please .
It is a draft only, you must find the right values of components, maybe rebuild the MIC part.
Thanks for the effort but again that's just a whole new set of unknowns .
Joined January 03, 2021 5Sunday at 04:34 AM