searching for AC signal presence sensor with digital output, adjustable threshold

Submitted by tom reaney on

i am looking for an off the shelf sensor that can sense a wire buried 100mm underground (my soldering and custom circuit days are long behind me). my initial thought is to sense frequency signal strength. wire is carrying 230v, 50hz, 50mA although current can be upped if required. ideally sensor should have a digital output with sensitivity/threshold trip value adjustable for calibration.

im looking at eddy current sensors - too expensive,  hall effect sensors, inductive proximity sensors but cant see the wood for the trees.

any ideas, inspiration or thoughts gratefully received.



Aswinth Raj

  Joined August 16, 2016      1000

Tuesday at 12:29 AM

I think what you are trying to do is detect wires that are routed inside the walls. Well there are many ready made toold available for that but they are a bit expensive. The most crude way is to use a clamp meter in NCV mode. These meters have hall sensor and well beem when they come across a wire. However the trade off will be with acurracy and the wire should be live for this to work 


Muhammad Umar

  Joined April 09, 2020      55

Thursday at 02:40 PM

Hi Tom! I have done a similar type of project, but with different methodology followed. I made underground cable fault detection system along with message notifications about each fault detected in the mains cable. Also, tried this with the smart current measuring meter (clamp meter) for AC power. It is better to use the clamp meter technique to check the voltage or current passing from the mains cables. Here I suggest you to get connect with the SSLA platform technical support team for getting better assistance regarding your query.


Technical Shahzad

  Joined May 23, 2020      47

Saturday at 02:49 PM

Hi Tom! I have done a similar type of project, but with different methodology followed. I made an underground cable fault detection system along with message notifications about each fault detected in the mains cable. Also, tried this with the smart current measuring meter (clamp meter) for AC power. It is better to use the clamp meter technique to check the voltage or current passing from the mains cables. Here I suggest you to get connected with the Sierra Software Ltd. platform technical support team for getting better assistance regarding your query.