Samsung 51 pin flat cable

Submitted by Jimmy on

I was wondering if you can help me with finding a suitable replacement for a flat (51 pin I think) cable, that I need to repair my TV.   The cable I need is for a Samsung 55” TV. (Model # - UN60FH6200FXZC… Serial # - 01SC3CRDB00205V) The cable # is  CNJS E308724 AWM 20861 105C 60V VW-1 HF.  It connects the board to the screen.  If you can’t help me with this item or a suitable replacement, maybe you can suggest where I might be able to purchase it.

Thanks so much




  Joined June 19, 2021      2

Saturday at 10:25 PM

BTW.  I've contacted Samsung Parts Depot and they advised me that the cable has been discontinued.  They advised me to contact Samsung support directly.  I did that and struck out there as well.  They advised me to contact Samsung Parts... LOL.  completing the loop.  The existing cable ends are severely corroded. I cleaned them up the best that I could, using a scriber and contact cleaner, but when magnified still looks like crap.  Retried anyway and the TV was no better. Screen works for a short period then lines throughout finally black screen...sound still great at that point.

Thanks Jimmy


Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM


Is there any possibility of the partnumber ?

If not can you share some image?



  Joined June 19, 2021      2

Saturday at 10:25 PM

Hi Sourav

The cable # is  CNJS E308724 AWM 20861 105C 60V VW-1 HF

Actually it is in the above thread
