good morning
our kindly greetings from all staff
then i need a digram to circit 100 amp and 220 vriable volt working with home curent
thank you dear
all i needed
an elictrcal curcuit using home curent to obtained 100 amp and a veribale volt from 1... to 220 volt
kindly i am very thankus to you
yes sir surly
and by the way our profssor some body adviced me to adjust the curciut of dimmer of lighting is this appropria
thank you fur your concern
100Amp is a lot of current. If you find some 2500Watt dimmer circuit it is maybe possible. Look for some Industrial motor control circuit, single phase having atleast 2500 watt speed control capabilities using TRIAC.
Sourav Gupta
Joined February 12, 2018 696Monday at 02:11 PM
What is actually needed? kindly provide more informations.