INDUCTION LAUNCHER I have all the parts connected and ready, just need to add new SCR/switch et al.

Submitted by Chris on


I have all the parts connected and ready, just need to add new SCR/switch et al.

The SCR at PIN 1 exploded on the first 2 tries. Tested w multimeter and determined SCR was busted.

I copied the components from this youtube vid:

I need a new SCR and perhaps a different configuration - would love some positive constructive suggestions and feedback.

I have 2 versions of the schematics from the YouTube vid AND a diagram of how mine is pressntly set up - Can't atttach pics though.



  Joined August 14, 2018      44

Tuesday at 03:25 PM

Hi Chris I pulled out this circuit diagram from the video you have shared 


The circuit operates at a very high voltage, the peak voltage is more then 650V so what SCR (part number) are you trying to use here. Also did you make any changes to this circuit?

WARNING: The circuit operates at lethal voltage levels work with at most care