Hello all! First post here out of desperation. I'm hoping someone can help me identify these three electronic components on a circuit board for my Polk DWS Pro 500 sub woofer. They want a bunch of money to replace the entire panel with four printed circuit boards on it. If I can identify these three components I may be able to solder new ones in and repair this myself. I think the chip is toast too as one pin is burnt off. I'm quite willing and capable to solder in new components but I must admit I'm a noobie with this stuff. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Can't seem to post pictures here? If I can't I'm wasting your time. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the advice. I have a couple other pictures but they exceed 2MB. If you require more pics I'll edit them smaller and post them.
With the closeup shot it looks like a P6KEXXX Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) diode, In the Image the PCB is charred which means the transformer is generating a lot of EMI, there can be two main cause for this, first, you have a faulty transformer or second, it can be a faulty snubber network in the circuit.
The smaller diode looks like a generic 1N4007.
If you are planning to repair it, my advice would be to first pull out the diodes and the VIPer12A IC, then clean the board with Isopropyl Alcohol, then you need to check for any short circuit on the charred section, (Please do remember that a charred PCB can conduct electricity if that happens the freshly installed components will blow up instantly.), then you need to put a 40W Incandescent Light Bulb in series with the circuit then you can power it on.
Almost everything is cleared by Debasish.
I will only add one thing. It is possible to tell the P6KEXXX value if you share the SMPS output rating. Thus, exact partnumber can be given.
However, I think that diode is not 1N4007, maybe it is UF4007 (Not sure). Few manufacturer uses 1N4007 for the D snubber for cost optimization. But actually this is need to be fast action (Ultra fast diodes are preferrable). You can check the diode value and could use UF4007 for reducing the stress over the P6KE as well as the Viper.
Gentlemen. Thank you for spending the time to help me out. I believe I have yet another issue. I thought the black hard substance here was ok but it looks burned as well.
It is dengarous to use this board since it is an SMPS. Try to get a new one.
Thank you. I managed to find a new updated plate amp with all new boards for $150.00. I'll keep the old one for parts.
Thank you for your help!
Sourav Gupta
Joined February 12, 2018 696Monday at 02:11 PM
Kindly post picture. When posting comment, you will see a image section named as IMCE just before the option IFrame and after the Image url button. After seeing the picture we think we can help you to solve this out.