HDMI Cable EMI compliance performance

Submitted by Mike on


It seems as my device is currently failing Radiated EMI certs when the HDMI cable is plugged in. Even Ferrites don't help much, according to the tech who tested it.

We have supplied thecable and it is your standard inexpensive 6' cable

I've done some reading on the issue and it seems like HDMI cables are a known EMI offenders' category.

I have also looked at the PCB remedies and I have found none: it does not look as if anyone uses any CM chokes such as they use for USB and such on HDMI lines. All I see is ESD protection which I have.

So, what I am looking for is:

1. A cable (6' is ok) reommendation by name: a know good EMI performer.

2. Any known working solutions that can be put on PCB to attenuate any intererence that would come out of HDMI cable.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

Yes that is problem with poor hdmi cable because they don't have proper EMI shielding.

You can check EMI cable with proper shielding along with EMI ferrite.



  Joined November 07, 2019      124

Thursday at 04:25 PM

It seems as my device is currently failing Radiated EMI certs when the HDMI cable is plugged in. Even Ferrites don't help much, according to the tech who tested it.

We have supplied thecable and it is your standard inexpensive 6' cable

I've done some reading on the issue and it seems like HDMI cables are a known EMI offenders' category.

I have also looked at the PCB remedies and I have found none: it does not look as if anyone uses any CM chokes such as they use for USB and such on HDMI lines. All I see is ESD protection which I have.

So, what I am looking for is:

1. A cable reommendation by name: a know good EMI performer.

2. Any known working solutions that can be put on PCB to attenuate any intererence that would come out of HDMI cable.