Equipment to propagate a wave

Submitted by Jim on

I would like to  propagate a wave from about 6 inches from a target in a  STP room with  either sound or microwave . I want the wave to have impact with the target (the target could sense the wave like skin feeling it) and where I could adjust the current, phase and voltage. Is there any inexpensive equipment on the market that can accomplish this task?

Debashis Das

  Joined December 02, 2019      117

Monday at 10:02 PM

can you pleas elaborate a little. I didn't quite understand your objectives.



In reply to by Debashis Das

  Joined July 09, 2020      1

Thursday at 04:59 PM

I don't know how else to explain  except if you think of a common vibrator, but without contact with the skin. Vibration waves that don't necessarily need ot be felt by the skin but can penetrate it. Where the frequency  of say 19Khz -50Khz can be adjusted with low current like a tazer .

Sourav Gupta

  Joined February 12, 2018      696

Monday at 02:11 PM

Wave particles throwing to a particular object is a very expensive scientific exeriment in 20s. You can create this with high amplitude sonic sound with metal based vibrator. Adjust the wave length to see how it is effecting.


marry roser

  Joined November 21, 2019      36

Thursday at 02:40 PM

Ultrasonic testing is based on time-varying deformations or vibrations in materials, which is generally referred to as acoustics. All material substances are comprised of atoms, which may be forced into vibrational motion about their equilibrium positions. Many different patterns of vibrational motion exist at the atomic level, however, most are irrelevant to acoustics and ultrasonic testing. Acoustics is focused on particles that contain many atoms that move in unison to produce a mechanical wave. When a material is not stressed in tension or compression beyond its elastic limit, its individual particles perform elastic oscillations. When the particles of a medium are displaced from their equilibrium positions, internal (electrostatic) restoration forces arise. It is these elastic restoring forces between particles, combined with inertia of the particles, that leads to the oscillatory motions of the medium.

In solids, sound waves can propagate in four principle modes that are based on the way the particles oscillate. Sound can propagate as longitudinal waves, shear waves, surface waves, and in thin materials as plate waves. Longitudinal and shear waves are the two modes of propagation most widely used in ultrasonic testing.