Hello all, I was attempting to repair a levitating globe from 1987. It uses a hall sensor magnet that has a coil around it. I found one of the leads of the coil had broke. So I re-soldered the lead and when I powered it up I heard a loud humming, good sign I think but then it sparked and smoked. I am guessing I removed too much of the coating and caused a short? I would like to try to make a new coil. And try again. So my questions are do coils /Windings go bad? How do I re-create the destroyed coil? Unfortunately this is a rare levitating globe and no parts exist for it. I am going to 3-D print the ring and I have the wire to create the coil I just don't know pal. Thanks for any advice.
I had pictures posted now they are gone. How do I post pictures?
Try the IMCE button in the toolbar. upload your picture on the server first.
Thank you
Try to make the winding once agin. If it is not possible by you, look for electrician or some one who can fix it. It is very hard to find readymade.
Sourav Gupta
Joined February 12, 2018 696Monday at 02:11 PM
Its a very interesting thing and I love this one. I tried to make one but did not get time.
However, yes offcourse you make it. There are two possible way, create a new coil or rectify the one that destroyed by some mishap. I will try the second one first as making a new coil for such retro pie is a laborious job.
Is there any possibility to provide an image of that coil? The cool part of coil based component is - there are always a chance to rewind it.