Dear Sir/Madam
I want to Trigger Ultrasonic sensor (HCSR04) with 555 Timer IC(By generating 10us) , Insted of connecting to the MCU . Is it possible......
Please kindly let me know.....
Thanking you....
In reply to Configure a 555 (IC:A) to by Ashok
I missed one point:
Connect output of IC:A to a monoshot (74123), which is configured for 10 us duration.
Connect its output to the trigger pin of HCSR04.
No need to use IC:B.
In reply to Thank You Very Much Ashok.... by Siddu B
Hi Bro
I bought 74HC123N
but i made connection as per datasheet , i could not get the output...
can you please help me
Joined September 28, 2016 2Wednesday at 05:34 PM
Configure a 555 (IC:A) to generate square waves (astable multivibrator) at low frequency, say 50 Hz.
Connect output of IC:A to the reset pin of another 555 (IC:B)
Configure 555 (IC:B) for to generate square waves (astable multivibrator) at 100 kHz to generate the 10us pulse you require.
Connect the output of IC:B to the trigger pin of HCSR04.
This way you trigger HCSR04 once every 20ms.